Daily Post: Prestatyn’s Scala cinema set to reopen under new management
Scottish company Aurora Leisure named as preferred bidder to take over cinema, which closed in January after a long battle to try to save it A cinema closed in January after a long battle to try to save it is set to reopen under new management. Denbighshire council...
Daily Post: Scala Trust ‘now more aware of what the community wants’
More than 100 people attended a meeting held in a last-ditch effort to save a crisis-hit cinema. The meeting had been called to help try to secure the future of the Scala in Prestatyn, which closed nearly two weeks ago after months of uncertainty regarding its future....
Daily Post: Prestatyn Scala’s business plan ‘was wrong from start’
Chair of trust says cinema was never properly funded, but hopes to reopen with Welsh Government support. The business plan behind the crisis-hit Scala cinema was wrong from the start, says a former board member. As the Prestatyn cinema closed today amid “desperate”...