The Scala construction site commences with the installation of green fencing (Photo: 2007 Graham Smith)
Down with the old!
Prestatyn High Street will change forever this week with the start of the long awaited work to transform the former Scala Cinema site. Contractors R.L. Davies are now on site and demolition machinery will be moving in on Thursday this week ready to clear the area for work to start on a new £3.5m arts centre, funded by a package secured by Denbighshire County Council and its partners, including Prestatyn Town Council and the Welsh Assembly, in January. The former Scala cinema closed in 2000, due to structural problems.
Councillor Sue Roberts, Denbighshire’s Cabinet lead member for promoting the county said:
“I am extremely pleased that work is now underway. Once complete this centre will help to bring life and activity back into the High Street and provide cultural, community and educational facilities which I am sure will become highly valued by the local community.”
Prestatyn’s Mayor, Councillor Sharon Frobisher, said:
“The development of this town centre site is very important to businesses and the community as a whole. We are all looking forward to seeing the character of the town enhanced with this contemporary building which is sure to become a focal point for the people of Prestatyn and an attraction for those living further afield.”
Source: Denbighshire County Council Press Release