Prestatyn's Scala Cinema (Credit: Rhyl Journal)

Rhyl Journal: Prestatyn Scala could close its doors on Thursday

Home 5 News 5 Rhyl Journal: Prestatyn Scala could close its doors on Thursday
28 Oct, 2014

Fears have been raised the Prestatyn Scala Cinema and Arts Centre could close its doors on Thursday.

Prestatyn's Scala Cinema (Credit: Rhyl Journal)

Prestatyn’s Scala Cinema (Credit: Rhyl Journal)

A campaign has been launched to secure funding for the cinema, which opened its doors five years ago after Denbighshire Council said it was looking at plans to cuts its £41,000 per year subsidy.

The Journal understands the Scala will not be able to open after Thursday as it cannot guarantee staff wages will be paid next week. However, legal action could be taken to prevent the closure.

In a statement released today (Tuesday) Chris Bond, manager of the Scala, said:

“Please can you help us to raise £97,000 to urgently save our Scala. The Scala has been underfunded since its opening five years ago and is about to lose its funding.

Due to the seriousness of our situation and the imminent risk of closure if financial support is not urgently received, we are launching the SOS campaign, so please support us with any donations however big or small.

The Scala is a charitable Community Arts Centre and a huge part of the local community, offering a widely diverse programme of entertainment. This ranges from Live Events which have included the Royal National Theatre and New Yorks Metropolitan Opera, live community based theatre productions, films from Art House to block-busters for all age groups, including autism friendly screenings, with dedicated films for our senior audience.

The Scala offers educational media and film making and conference facilities to the community, gallery space for local artists as well as social areas to eat, drink and socialise.

Please help our SOS campaign in any way you can, your donation really could help Save Our Scala.”


To donate to the campaign visit or make a gift or directly to the Scala Cinema and Arts Centre, 47 High Street, Prestatyn, Denbighshire, LL19 9AH, please make cheques or postal orders payable to The Scala Prestatyn Co. Ltd.

Denbighshire Council has been approached for further comment but has so far not responded.

Source: Article from the Rhyl Journal 28.10.14